Sponsor us! 

Dear Friend,

The “Iron Tigers (FRC #4176)” is the Oliver Ames High School co-ed robotics team engaged in bringing a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to the Easton community.

Iron Tigers Robotics provides a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for Easton students 14 and older to develop real-world STEM skills while building a robot for participation in the annual nationwide FIRST robotics competition. Under the guidance of teachers and mentors, students learn and apply advanced engineering and design skills to enable their robot to successfully perform difficult technical challenges each season. Simultaneously, our team sponsors an annual, multi-week after-school robotics clinic for Easton elementary school students to nurture an early passion for STEM and inspire the next generation of Iron Tigers.

Studies have shown participants in “FIRST Robotics Competitions” are:

⬥Three times more likely to major in Engineering

⬥More than twice as likely to pursue a career in science or technology

⬥More than twice as likely to volunteer in their communities.

As a non-profit organization, our team relies heavily on the generosity and goodwill of sponsors that recognize the critical need for a workforce trained in the fields of science, engineering, and mathematics. The team requires approximately $40,000 to cover our budget each year, including competition fees, robotics components, and travel expenses. Organizations that choose to support us through a tax-deductible donation are publicly acknowledged in our media, our promotional material, and on the robot itself. Last year alone, our sponsors were visible to thousands of individuals through print, social media, at competitions, and at numerous community events. By lending support and funding, sponsors can help ensure that our students leave high school with the self-confidence, leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills essential for future success in STEM or in any other chosen endeavor.


Iron Tiger Robotics Team #4176

There are three ways you can sponsor us: 

1) If you have any questions, contact us at president@eastonrobotics.org

2) Fill out the donation form below. Scan the Venmo QR code and donate 

3) Or send us a check to 

Iron Tigers Robotics Team # 4176 

PO Box 96 

North Easton, MA 02356 

Sponsorship Levels

Diamond $1000 and Up 

Name/Logo on: 

ROBOT, t-shirts, website, banner, social media, and Framed Team Photo

Gold $500 - $999

Name/logo on

T-shirts, website, banner, social media, Framed Team Photo

Silver $250 - $499

Name/logo on: 

Banner, website, and social media

Bronze $249 - $99

Name/Logo on: 
